Message from
the Head

Welcome to the Bioscience and Biomedical Engineering Thrust (BSBE)!

Welcome to the Bioscience and Biomedical Engineering Thrust (BSBE)! BSBE is a fast growing Thrust with research interests that cover the wide spectrum of Bioscience and Bioengineering. At BSBE, we create a vibrant, collegial, and inclusive ambience to advance knowledge and education, to improve human health, and to assist in social and economic development. With the support of our excellent staff and state-of-the-art teaching and research facilities, we offer educational programs that integrate bioscience, engineering, information technology, and medicine. Embracing the opportunities brought about by the development of the Greater Bay Area, we strive to expand and strengthen our educational and research programs. I welcome aspiring scholars and talented students to explore the opportunities at BSBE, Systems Hub, HKUST(Guangzhou)!


Robert Zhong QI

BSBE Thrust

Introduction of the Head

Robert Zhong QI

PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of Calgary, 1996

Prof. Robert Qi is Professor and Head of the Bioscience and Biomedical Engineering Thrust, HKUST(Guangzhou), and he is also Professor at the Division of Life Science and Associate Director of the Center for Cancer Research at HKUST. Prior to joining HKUST, he held an appointment as Principal Investigator and Head of the Proteomics Group in the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Singapore. Prof. Qi’s research focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms that regulate microtubule cytoskeletal organization during cell division and morphogenesis, and how defects in these mechanisms result in diseases such as cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. His research helps understanding the control mechanisms of microtubule-dependent physiological and pathological cellular events.