University Common Core Requirements

The goal of the undergraduate common core courses is to provide the undergraduate student a broad and comprehensive education that prepares them to become responsible, ethical, and compassionate citizens. Through this stage of study, students are expected to become diligent, courageous, ambitious and well-rounded persons.

Common Core Groups Credits Credits Common Core Areas
Experiencing (from Year 2 Summer) 0 to 3

Undergraduate Experiential Opportunities Programs

  • · Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program
  • · Undergraduate Teaching Opportunities Program
  • · Undergraduate Practice Opportunities Program
  • · Undergraduate Global Challenges and Opportunities Program
Broadening (with specific outcomes) 12 to 18 Arts (A)
Humanities (H)
Science (S)
Technology (T)
Social Analysis (SA)

12 credits under stipulated program-specific areas;

0 to 6 credits under any areas as substitution to CTDL/UxOP

Foundations (skillsets & mindsets) 12 to 15 Cognitive Foundations of University Education. Critical Thinking and Data Literacy (CTDL) (can be taken in any year; can be substituted by any Broadening courses)
Behavioral Foundations of University Education: Habits, Mindsets, and Wellness (HMW) (year-long in Year 1)
English Communication (E-Comm) (in Year 1)
Chinese Communication (C-Comm) (in any year)
30 Total Credits Required