The first autonomous vehicle (AV) trial without an operator on board in Hong Kong commenced in late 2020 on the HKUST Clearwater Bay Campus. The AV, designed by Prof. Ming Liu (ECE, Director of HKUST’s Intelligent Autonomous Driving Centre) and his team of students, is one of the many innovative initiatives to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic as the AV can make deliveries that limits human-to-human contact. Equipped with technologies such as all-terrain 3D mapping and large-scale visual and sensor navigation, the vehicle can plan its route after collecting data on the road and can detect on-road obstacles. After the launch of 50 units of Prof. Liu’s AVs in 4 cities in Mainland China such as Shenzhen and Shanghai, the AV, which is an electric vehicle, has finally arrived in Hong Kong. HKUST is proud to host the first AV trial in Hong Kong as it meets the goals for the “Sustainable Smart Campus as a Living Lab” initiative and exemplifies the groundbreaking innovation, technology and entrepreneurship abilities of HKUST faculty. The AV has successfully passed two stages of the trial and will eventually be used to deliver food and mail throughout the campus. The AV trial has received generous support from the Transport Department and the HKSAR Government.