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Dr. Cai’s Group is dedicated to STEM education and training. He was one of the two winners of Junior Teaching Award North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in 2020. By developing innovative teaching modules that integrate advanced techniques including virtual reality, mixed reality and Internet of Things, the Group has been exploring more effective STEM pedagogies to improve the learning experiences and outcomes. Together with the collaborators at Iowa State University, the Group developed a virtual reality app for training of operating CNC machine operation. It won the First Prize in the Mobil APP Competition at Institute of Industrial and System Engineers Annual Conference 2020. Currently, the Group is working on a virtual reality module for training of assembling industrial robots and a mixed reality module for training of human-robot collaboration.

By developing innovative technology-driven STEM education and training modules, the goal of Dr. Cai’s group is to enhance the interaction in teaching and learning, provide rich practice experiences, and help learners find their personalized development paths, so that the learning outcomes can become more phenomenal. Some typical application scenarios include:
a. STEM education in higher education
b. STEM-related subjects in high school (e.g., mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography, biology, etc.)
c. Skill training and practice in companies